Click here for the list of past presidents.



David Roosevelt AB '93

President-Elect Shikha Sethi AB '93
Vice President/Finance-Treasurer  Steve Bloch AB '89
Vice President/Programs  Rebecca Dubowy Posten AB '95
Vice President/Schools Committee  Adrienne Dominguez AB '90
  Luke Bateman AB '08
  Mary Reyes Hartfield AB '89
Vice President/Membership Shikha Sethi AB '93
  Stephen Lerer MBA '69
  Natalie Vesti JD '17
Vice President/Philanthropy Amy Lo AB '97
Vice President/Website & Internet Chidu Sulur ALM '11
Vice President/Social Media Michael Mancinelli SB '15, MBA '21, SM '21
Vice President/College David Escamilla AB '10
  Brenda Lu AB '20
Vice President/Business School Nancy Schmitt MBA '91
  Brian Buffington MBA '85
Vice President/Divinity School Steve Arbogast THM '05
  Claire Sahlin MTS '86, AM '91, PhD '96
Vice President/Graduate School of Education Kaitlin Roberson EDM '20
Vice President/Graduate School of Design Paris Rutherford MUAD '93
Vice President/School of Public Health Avi Chavda MPH '23
  Marjorie Drucker SM '69
Vice President/Kennedy School Geralyn Richard MPP '05
Vice President/Law School Eric Moye JD '79
  Robert Hill AB '02, JD '05
  Patrick Pijls JD '18
Vice President/Medical School Debbie Chong AB '99, MD '04
  Tiffany Jackson AB '03, MD '07
Vice President/Dental School Selda Sayek DMD '00
Vice President/Extension School Ray Loggins ALM '16
  Andre Johnson ALM '17
Vice President/Parents Committee Tonika Clayton AB '99 MBA '04
  Linda Wang AB '94 MBA '98
Secretary Marvin Benton MPA '88
General Counsel Jared Slade AB '03
Chair, Investment Committee Arthur Hollingsworth AB '85


Chairman of Board of Directors Theresa Chung AB '98 JD '02 
2025 Term Vickie Allen MPA '05
  Graham Gardner AB '79, MBA '81
  John Sughrue AB '82
  Jeff Helfrich AB '03
  Steve Durham
2026 Term Brian Dethrow JD '83
  Rodney Thomas H '79
  Ivan Perez Rosello MAR '05
2027 Term Shirley Marks MD '73 MPH '76
  Andrew Yung JD '95
  Van Sheets MBA '83
Director Emeritus Dulany Howland AB '67
  Grier Raggio AB '64
  Will Hartnett AB '78
  Betsey Urschel EDM '63
  Peter Smith AB '78