Gourmet Food and Wine Reception & Fundraiser for the Urschel Community Service Fellowship Program - Featuring Philip Lovejoy, Executive Director of the HAA

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In addition to organizing fun educational and networking events, our Harvard Club of Dallas is committed to contributing to our North Texas community. A key way in which we do this is through sponsoring undergraduates to pursue local public service summer internships. We select highly qualified and motivated students through a competitive process, then pay stipends through the Betsey Bradley and Hal Urschel MD Community Service Fund.

Our two interns are having a stellar experiences this summer at the Frazier House Zan Wesley Holmes Community Outreach Center and the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. They are growing and learning, but while also providing incredible help and value to these important charitable institutions.  But, To keep this program sustainable and healthy so that we can continue to support our undergrads and important local services we need to build up our coffers. So, this year we are hosting our first dedicated fund raiser!

To celebrate this evening, we are thrilled to be joined by Philip Lovejoy, Executive Director of the Harvard Alumni Association. This will be a great opportunity to continue to connect even more closely to Harvard as well as to get some inside scoops about what is happening in Cambridge.

Thanks to the generosity of Donna and Herb Weitzman, 100% of the ticket fees and donations are going directly to the fund.  We also thank our Silver Sponsor, Michael Ablon, for his generous support. We hope you can join us to celebrate our community and the launch of our new club year! Even if you can’t attend this evening, we hope you will consider donating to this important program.

If you are interested in learning more about our community service program and summer interns you can contact our VP of Philanthropy, Brian Buffington bbuffington@ymail.com. For additional information about this event, including additional sponsorship opportunities, please contact VP of Programs, Rebecca Posten rebecca_posten@yahoo.com

Date: September 11, 2018

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm (with presentation by Philip Lovejoy at 7:00 pm)

Location: Highland Park home of Donna and Herb Weitzman. Valet parking to be provided.


  • Regular Ticket: $65
  • Patron Ticket: $100
  • Young Alum Ticket: $15
  • Additional Donations will be gratefully accepted.


6:00PM - 9:00PM Tue 11 Sep 2018, Central timezone


Highland Park home of Donna & Herb Weitzman

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