The national trend today increased legalization of marijuana. Is it as safe as is being described? What is reality versus messaging from the pro-marijuana lobby? What is the real addiction potential and effects on the brain? Dr. Urschel, a world leading expert on addiction and psychiatry, will cut through available information with the most current research to provide a clear medical perspective on the safety of marijuana use, its potential for addiction, and the potential effects of increased legalization. 


Harold C. Urschel III, MD, MMA, is a Doctor of Addiction Psychiatry and Enterhealth Ranch Chief Medical Strategist. He graduated up at the head of his St. Mark's Class, B. S. Princeton University, M D U T Southwestern Medical School, Psychiatry Residency Southwestern 3 years, Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry University of Pennsylvania 2 years, and Stanford University Business School Sloane Fellow M. M. A.


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