Harvard Book Club May Meeting

The book for the May 13 meeting is "All the Light We Can not See" by Anthony Doerr.  This 2014 National Book Award Finalist deftly illustrates the enduring power of human kindness even in the worst of circumstances, and was described by the New Yorker as “a meditation on fate, free will, and the way that, in wartime, small choices can have vast consequences.”  Doerr will be featured at the DMA's Arts and Letters series on May 19.  Robert Rendell will host the May meeting at 7:00 p.m. at his home at 7039 Brookshire Drive, Dallas 75230 (south of Royal, off Hillcrest).  For the June 10 meeting, we will be reading “Sabbath’s Theater” by Philip Roth. 

To RSVP for the May meeting, please contact Adrienne Dominguez at adrienne.dominguez@tklaw.com.  For more information about the Book Club please contact Adrienne or Lee Loewenstein at leelo56@gmail.com.